Doctors Can Help With Your Social Security Disability Case
Once you decide to apply for Social Security disability benefits, you will need the support of your doctor(s) to be successful. Your doctor(s) can be a driving force behind your ability to be approved for Social Security disability benefits. With continual visits and thorough medical records from your doctor, you will have a stronger Social Security Disability case to present that proves that you are no longer able to work due to your disability.
Doctor’s Support
A supportive doctor is beneficial to your Social Security disability benefits application for many reasons. A statement from a treating physician will carry weight with the Social Security Administration (SSA). When filing an application or appeal, a letter from your physician discussing your disability can go a long way. Any documentation from your doctor must include detailed information regarding your condition(s) and any treatment received for your condition(s). The opinion of the physician must include objective proof of their medical findings, and show why your condition(s) would prevent you from being able to perform any work within the national economy.
In order for the Social Security Administration to find you disabled, they must find that not only can you not do any work you did in the past, there must also be no other work within the national economy that you would be able to do because of your medical condition(s). In the letter, the doctor needs to indicate any diagnoses that exist. Further, they should include any test results that support your diagnoses. Your doctor should also mention any physical or mental limitations or side effects from your condition(s) or medications that also interfere with your ability to work. For instance, this includes having trouble walking, sitting, bending, an inability to concentrate, control temper etc. The doctor also needs to include the dates you were diagnosed and how long your conditions have caused these limitations.
Medical Evidence
However, your doctor cannot just state that you have a disability. They need to provide accurate and extensive medical records to show proof of your disability. The doctor’s medical records will need to contain detailed notes on your medical condition(s), testing and laboratory findings, and any disabling symptoms caused by your conditions. Make sure you talk to your doctor and let them know all of the problems you are experiencing. This is important for your disability claim. Your doctor’s medical records can help provide the right information for the SSA to consider your claim. Lack of sufficient medical evidence is one of the main reasons Social Security disability benefits applications are denied.
Your Claim
The goal is to have your physician provide a detailed statement that advocates for your social security disability case. Speak to your doctor openly about your disability, and make sure that they are recording everything in your medical records. You should request a copy of the medical record for every visit and procedure performed. Then, you may submit it to the SSA so it will be included in your file.
If you have questions about this, any part of the application process, appropriate medical sources, or anything related to your disability claim, contact us today. Also, read through our blog for more information on common mistakes and how to steer clear of them.